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1. Hands-On: GraphRep Class "I" - POLYGON

GraphRep Preparation for Class  "I"

GRAPHREP Implementation for Class "I"

  • Since this class is concrete, a graphical representation needs to be defined.
  • Use inherited class attribute "GraphRep" to define the graphical representation
  • Write GRAPHREP code to provide a notation for the class

Commented GraphRep Code for Class "I"

Attribute Name is shown here
FILL color:royalblue
POLYGON 7 x1:1.5cm y1:0cm x2:0.5cm y2:-1cm x3:0.5cm y3:-0.5cm
          x4:-1.5cm y4:-0.5cm x5:-1.5cm y5:0.5cm x6:0.5cm y6:0.5cm
          x7:0.5cm y7:1cm
ATTR "Name" y:1.4cm w:c h:c