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RE: Error messages and Library Questions

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Error messages and Library Questions
11/04/14 11:25

I've encountered an error while trying to delete some libraries yesterday and I can't seem to find a solution on my own.
Here are the error messages I got:

The BP library of the application library
"NameOfLibrary" contains error!

The WE library of the
application library "NameOfLibrary" contains error!

I didn't do anything differently for those libraries than for other ones I deleted (without any problem). I can't seem to do anything with those libraries right now, without error messages popping.

Then I also have some questions regarding a merging of two libraries. I am trying to enforce restriction rules from one library on another and I have tried to make one library out of those two, but I can't seem to find a way, except maybe going through the exported .xml files of those libraries and creating an .xml file, where both libraries would be merged, but it will be a bit too time consuming...

Is there a way you would recommend to be able to merge two existing libraries into one ?

If you need more
information or screenshots, please don't hesitate to

Thank you!

RE: Error messages and Library Questions
14/04/14 06:15 as a reply to Anonymous.
The issue you have raised is a very complicated one and we are working on a proper solution for it.

As an immediate solution to the problem we would recommend the following steps:

Step 1. Export existing libraries
In the ADOxx Development Toolkit start the Export migration assistant: "Library management" -> "Migration" -> "Export migration assistant" (see attachment: "Migration_Start.PNG").
  • Select the library name and click "Library export" (see attachment: "Migration_Library.PNG")
  • Click "Model export", select all models and click "Export" (see attachment: "Migration_Models.PNG")
  • Click "User export", select all users associated to the current application library, include user groups, users and passwords and click "Export" (see attachment: "Migration_Users.PNG")
  • Click "Complete"Repeat these steps for all your working libraries.
Close the ADOxx Development Toolkit.

Step 2. Delete database

After exporting ALL your working libraries, delete the current ADOxx database. In the ADOxx installation folder (by default C:\Program Files\BOC\ADOxx13_UL1_EN_SA) run the executable file asqladm.exe, select "Delete ADOxx database", select the instance of the SQL Server where you have installed the ADOxx database (by default, MSSQLSERVER), click "Next" (see attachment: Delete_Database_1.PNG), select the ADOxx database that you want to delete and click "Next" (see attachment: Delete_Database_2.PNG)

Step 3. Create new database
Restart asqladm.exe and create a NEW ADOxx database.

Step 4. Import all exported application libraries
Restart the ADOxx Development Toolkit using the username Admin and the newly created database name and start the Import migration assistant: "Library management" -> "Migration" -> "Import migration assistant". The windows and procedures are similar to the Export migration assistant.Repeat this for every exported libraryWe are currently working on this issue and as soon as we have a better solution for it, we shall get back to you.

In case you are in a hosted laboratory environement, please get in touch with the system administrator to fix this problem!