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RE: Objects type and connectors type

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Objects type and connectors type
02/07/15 11:03
1) Is it possible to know the object type (class) if we know its ID?

2) Is it possible to know the connector type (class) if we know its ID?

RE: Objects type and connectors type
03/07/15 06:49 as a reply to Fadi Al Machot.
Dear Fadi,

Thank you for your question. AdoScript has more than 400 methods distributed in 16 different messageports. You can find an AdoScript online documentation at the following link:


The search functionality of this documentation can be usefull by working with AdoScript commands. E.g., if you would need a GET method, you can write into the search field: GET and you will receive all the GET methods of AdoSript (See ScreenShot).

For getting object type or relation type you would need in both cases the command GET_CLASS_NAME in the messageport Core. The syntax of this command is as follows:

1CC "Core" GET_CLASS_NAME classid:intValue
2#--> RESULT ecode:intValue classname:strValue isrel:intValue

classid                   intValue, the ID of the class

ecode               intValue, Contains the error code or is 0 in case of success.
classname        strValue, the name of the given class
isrel                  intValue, is set to 1 it the class is a relationclass, to 0 if it is not.

Attachments: AdoScriptDocu.png (194.9k)