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HandsOn: Classes

Modification of class hierarchy of dynamic library


Add a new abstract class below the root element that is used to define "_G_" related issues

  1. Select root class, click "New" -> "New class"
  2. Name new class as an abstract classNaming concention: start and end with "_"

Make class abstract using "ClassAbstract" attribute
     -> Effect: class can not be instantiated in the modelling tool, modeltype definition

Add a new concrete class below the abstract element that is used to define a concrete class

  1. Select the abstract class
  2. click "New" -> "New class"
  3. Name new class

The new created class can be identified on instance level by the "Name" attribute. This attribute is automatically/implictly available for each class


Add a new concrete class below the __D_event__ element that is used to define a flow class

  1.  Select "__D_event__" class
  2. click "New" -> "New class"
  3. Name new class

The new created class can be identified on instance level by the "Name" attribute. This attribute is automatically/implict available for each class.

Add a new concrete class below the __D_aggregation__ element that is used to define Grouping

  1. Select "__D_aggregation__" class
  2. Click "New" -> "New class"
  3. Name new class

The new created class can be identified on instance level by the "Name" attribute. This attribute is automatically/implictly available for each class.