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Simulation of different Modeltypes

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Simulation of different Modeltypes
03/07/14 16:15
I used the BPMN, UML and ER Library from ADOxx.org merged them and extended them a bit and now I have a problem with the simulaton. The BPMN method itself is simulateable, but since I added the other methods the simulation tab in the modelling toolkit is grey and can't be selected. What causes this?

RE: Simulation of different Modeltypes
07/07/14 12:49 as a reply to Anonymous.
Dear Anonymous,

thank you for your question with respect to the disabled simulation tab. There are differnent potenial causes for that, without knowing/seeing the library, it will be hard to judge what causes this behaviour:

+ Disabled functionality for the user: in ADOxx you can enable/disble platform functionality per user. This is done be defining the "Component access" for individual users in the toolkit. You can check on that, by starting/logging into the Development Toolkit -> "User management" -> "User list", selecting an individual user, click on "Edit" -> "Component access"
+ Disabled component by AdoScript: a functionality in AdoScript is implemented that disables/hides the functionality. The code fragement would look like, where indivudally the components can be disabled, and also all of them at the same time.

1CC "Application" DISABLE_COMP [ all ] [ acquisition ] [ modeling ] [ analysis ] [ simulation ] [ evaluation ] [ importexport ]

+ No mapping to simulation model available: the simulation algorithms need to have a a mapped model available, this mapping is defined in simulation-related library attributes of the dynamic and static sublibrary. Further details to define the mapping are available in the following threads of the FAQ section:
- http://www.adoxx.org/live/faq/-/message_boards/message/27979
- http://www.adoxx.org/live/faq/-/message_boards/category/110310

In order to support you more properly and also give some impression on your integration work to the rest of the community, could you share your implementation as ABL here?

RE: Simulation of different Modeltypes
12/07/14 11:31 as a reply to Wilfrid Utz.
Thank you very much. The Component was disabled in the ADOScript. The idea of the Library is that it will be used as the Student Library for the lecture "UE Modellierung". It is still work in progress and will be shared when its nearly finished/finished. Thanks again!