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Hidden Model attributes
09/01/19 13:47

While working with parts from the BPMN library, I have noticed that it uses some Model attributes that are not specified in the "__ModelTypeMetaData__" class. Just to name a few: "Model type", "State", "Reviewed on", "Reviewed by", "Author", "Creation date" and more. This makes me believe that there are hidden model attributes in the ADOxx platform that I can use in my models. Is there somewhere a list describing (preferably all) such hidden attributes?

RE: Hidden Model attributes
13/11/14 18:40 as a reply to Patrik.
Dear Patrik,
the modelattributes you mention here are those made available from the platform. Similar as with the "Name" attribute on classes, these are implictly available, some of them with user interaction possibilities, some of them set and updated by the platform/system, such as last change date or instance counts.
For an exhaustive list of those, please create a new modeltype without specifying a modeltype AttrRep and you have all attributes that are available. In case you want to create your own model attributes, have a look at this page - Keep in mind the attribute type restrictions mentioned there!