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Is a WSDL for the ADOxx Web Service available?

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I am currently trying out the ADOxx 1.5 Web Service step by step. I managed to get the service up and running (thanks to the Documentation and the "ADOxx Web Service") and was successful in sending a simple SOAP request to it (thanks to "Web Service Calls using SOAP").

Now I am wondering if a WSDL is available for the Web Service, which I could then use in Java, Ruby, C++, C# (etc.) to implement a client. For example when the Web Service is running at http://localhost:59001, is there maybe a http://localhost:59001/service.wsdl describing all the available operations? Or is there a WSDL file somewhere that can be used?

RE: Is a WSDL for the ADOxx Web Service available?
04/04/18 11:24 as a reply to Patrik.
Dear Patrik,
that sounds great! From your message I understand that you managed to get the web-service interface up and running!

With respect to your questions and as further hints to support your implementation, please see below:

+ Using ADOWS directly:
The webservice in ADOxx, as described in your referenced post (http://www.adoxx.org/live/faq/-/message_boards/message/28030), is exposed on the specified port defined in the startup. The endpoint is accessible on HTTP protocol on the specific port and provides a single operation called "execute".
This operation is capable to run AdoScript remotely. This means that you can send AdoScript commands to the service, and the result (as specified in the result variable), is returned. As the gSOAP implementation in ADOxx does not dynamically expose the WSDL, I just updated our web-service project on the SVN to included the WSDL file that has been used to develop the JAVA client (see https://www.adoxx.org/svn/devtools/ADOWSJAVAIntegration/). The WSDL is available in the sub-folder "wsdl".

+ Using the Load Balancing and Restart Service (LBRSWS), the WSDL for AdoScript execution (similiar as above) is dynamically exposed after installing the LBRS and RAM component. The implementation uses Apache Axis as a framework to realize the web-service interaction and the WSDL is accessible at http://localhost:8080/LBRSWS/services/LBRSWS?wsdl (when running your application service locally and on port 8080).

+ Developement Environment: As a possibility to validate the implementation using WSDL and SOAP, we use here in team development clients to save time and effort during the implementation and validate the functionality of the AdoScript first, as also proposed by Hans-Georg in his post (http://www.adoxx.org/live/faq/-/message_boards/message/227059). The tools we use for that are listed below as an indication:
  • SOA Client in Firefox (https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/soa-client/): this add-on dynamically generates the client code and allows you to send SOAP messages to your endpoint. Similar add-ons are available also for other browsers.
  • Web-Service Explorer in Eclipse (J2EE): in case you want to use Eclipse for your implementation, the J2EE package includes the web-service explorer that allows you to debug and validate the web-service

It would be great if you could also share your results in using the web-service in your project with the community as we are currently also working on the release of an API layer on top of ADOWS and LBRSWS look forward to your feedback!

RE: Is a WSDL for the ADOxx Web Service available?
07/02/18 07:52 as a reply to Wilfrid Utz.
Thank you for the detailed reply and also for updating the SVN Project with the WSDL file.

I was working on (more or less) simple slides and examples describing how to start and use the ADOxx Web Service. The current version can be found on OMiLAB in the Wiki. Since the previous link is now broken I have attached the files directly to this post. The WSDL file should make testing the service easier, since I think the Eclipse Web Service Explorer requires a WSDL to send service requests.

Best regards
Attachments: ADOxx 1.5 Web-Service.pdf (766.2k), ADOxxWebServiceCall.zip (3,514.0k)