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GraphRep - Using images for the internet

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GraphRep - Using images for the internet
13/11/16 12:03

I am currently developing a new DSML for a healthcare process as part of my Masters Thesis. For this purpose I plan to reuse some existing modelling elements (e.g. Role element of the organizational model) to create domain-specific concepts (e.g. Patient Role element). In order to do this, I planned to use free icons from the internet (e.g. http://www.freeiconspng.com/uploads/patient-icon-png-21.png). 
I designed several new modelling elements with the help of the OMiLAB GraphRep creator. It provides a feature to include png images from the internet which delivers code such as this one:
BITMAP "db:\\patient-icon-png-21.png" x:-43pt y:-53pt w:85pt h:89pt

However, I did not manage to use this code or in general images from the internet in GraphRep of ADOxx. I suggest, that OMiLAB stores them on their own db where they can be used for OMiLAB projects. Also providing the ADOxx GraphRep with the full link does not work.
The only way I managed to use images was when saving the locally on my harddisk:
SET filename:"d:\\f5fe024a8c.png"
BITMAPINFO (filename)
BITMAP (filename) x:-27pt y:-56.5pt w:56pt h:53pt

The problem with this solution is, that it will only work if the images are stored at exactly this location on the hard drive of the user. The distribution of this DSML should in the end work out of the box without having to save images at the exact location manually.
  1. Is there any possibility to use links to an image from the internet in the ADOxx GraphRep? This would be the preferred solution
  2. If not, can/are they somehow provided together with the db to other users? I guess in this solution, a relative path to the image has to be used in GraphRep (I am not yet experience in providing a developed language to others, I only noticed that if i delete them locally, they are no more shown)

Thanks for the support on this.

RE: GraphRep - Using images for the internet
14/11/16 7:33 en respuesta a Pascal Sibold.
Hi Pascal,

thank you for your message. The solution is to provide the images as part of your library and have them stored in the the file-space of the library. This means that static paths to hard-drives need to be replaced with "db:\\" instead and the images need to be imported in the library using the "File Management" functionality of the Development Toolkit. By the way, the same also applies for any functionalty in AdoScript you might want to implement at a later stage ...

A related post to this one: https://www.adoxx.org/live/faq/-/message_boards/message/22732
HowTo Video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILI1FPyRMuI

Does this fix your issue? A direct use of internet resources is not supported as this would require to have a constant connection to the net and disallow for offline use.

RE: GraphRep - Using images for the internet
14/11/16 7:59 en respuesta a Wilfrid Utz.
Hi Wilfrid

Thank you for your quick reply.
Sounds reasonable to me. Thus the code from the OMiLAB GraphRep creator could be used as-is, I just need to import the png files with the respective ADOxx feature. That's great.
I will try to solve the issue with the provided documentation, I think that should be possible. In case there are future questions, I will let you know. I am just in the beginning of working with ADOxx =)


RE: GraphRep - Using images for the internet
14/11/16 8:25 en respuesta a Pascal Sibold.
Great! Let me know what you have accomplished. Would also be great to see your work as part of our GRAPHREP repository at https://www.adoxx.org/live/adoxx-graphrep-repository-wiki/-/wiki/GRAPHREP+Repository/FrontPage.

I do have in mind that there is a patient GraphRep implementation in there ....