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RE: ADOxx database connection

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ADOxx database connection
community documentation development environment
27/03/14 11:09
We face a problem of a disconnection between the ADOxx  tool and the Adoxx database , when a user (client) does not use the tool for more than 4 minutes

RE: ADOxx database connection
16/10/13 10:51 en respuesta a Fadi.
Dear Fadi,

it seems that the time-out on the server end is set to a low value and therefore, not in-use ODBC connections are cancelled and closed after a certain period of time. Can you please provide us with a log file on this situation? To trace the interaction, please follow the steps below:

a) Start Microsoft Windows ODBC Connection Manager (in case of a 64bit system, the ODBC Manager is available at c:\WINDOWS\SYSWOW64\odbcad32.exe otherwise it can be started from the Control Panel -> Administrative Tools
b) Enable Tracing (German: "Ablaufverfolgung"), specify a log file at a location of your convenience and start the log
c) Start ADOxx and wait for the disconnection to happen
d) Provide the LOG file to us, using faq@adoxx.org

archivos adjuntos: ODBCTrace.PNG (55,3k)

RE: ADOxx database connection
8/11/13 12:27 en respuesta a Wilfrid Utz.
Hi Wilfrid,

it seems that we don't have the problem any more - without changing anything. So thanks for your support option!

RE: ADOxx database connection
11/05/17 15:04 en respuesta a Fadi.

we have a similar problem, where the connection to the database seems to be interrupted after a few minutes of inactivity (before the screen lock kicks in). We get an error "[adbsess-02] Due to a database exception the connection has been closed. No further databae access will be conducted in the current session. It is recommended to restart the application." The database (MS-SQL 2012) is installed locally on the same computer as the tool. How can we solve the problem?

Best regards,

RE: ADOxx database connection
12/05/17 9:52 en respuesta a Patrik.
Dear Patrik,
Thank you for your message. This problem relates to the way the ODBC connection is establishing the connection to the SQL Server. By default, the connection is established using TCP-IP protocol, meaning that a network adaptor is required to have it running (even if not connected).

In case the network connection is interrupted (e.g. standby-mode, hibernate, or Microsoft Windows Energy Management turning the adaptor off), ADOxx looses the connection to the database, and an error message is shown (adbsess-02).
To prevent such a behaviour, you can switch the protocol to non-network (e.g. Shared Memory). This can be achieved in the SQL Configuration Manager (installed as part of the SQL server) - see screenshot attached.
Change the protocol by activating one, and de-activating the other and then restart the SQL Service or your PC to be safe.
You can test if this step is operational by following the steps below:
a) Start ADOxx and login (also applicable to any tool developed using ADOxx)
b) Set the computer on STANDBY, or HIBERNATE respectively
c) Reactivate the computer: using Shared Memory the tool continues to run, with TCP-IP the connection is aborted and the error occurs.

archivos adjuntos: SQL Server Configuration Manager.PNG (15,7k)

RE: ADOxx database connection
18/05/17 10:42 en respuesta a Mateusz Dziedzic.
It seems to have solved our problem. Thank you for the instructions and the help.