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No Models after Installation
community webinar installation documentation getting started
7/11/17 1:24 PM
I have installed ADOxx and logged into the ADOxx Development Toolkit to create new user. Then I have logged into the ADOxx Modelling Toolkit but I can’t create a new model.
When I want to select the type of new model, the window is blank (see screenshot enclosed).

Attachments: Q_IV_NoModelType.png (138.8k)

RE: No Models after Installation
7/26/13 11:21 AM as a reply to Anonymous.
The fact that you can't model proves that everything is OK. In a first step you need to implement your own modelling method in order to be able to create models based on that modelling method.
Please open the ADOxx Tutorial web page ( and download the tutorial package from our latest tutorial. Unzip the package and you will find:

1. a cookbook that assists you through the first steps of creating your modelling tool.
(see file in unzipped folder: \Tutorial_Cookbook\ADOxx 1.3 UL1 Cookbook_Modellin_Language_v1.0_20130312_SP_FINAL.pdf)

2. a tutorial on how to develop your modelling tool
(see files in unzipped folder: \Tutorial_Slides\ )

3. the tutorial library that is an explanatory configuration of the modelling tool
(see file in unzipped folder: \Tutorial_Library\Tutorial Library (Experimentation Environment).abl)

To import the tutorial/example library, please follow these steps:
a. Log into the ADOxx Development Toolkit with user Admin and password password
b. Select "Library Management" (attached picture 1)
c. In the menu, go to "Management" (attached picture 2)
d. Click "import" (attached picture 3)
e. Browse and select the tutorial library (attached picture 4)
f. Click "Import"

RE: No Models after Installation
10/25/13 8:00 AM as a reply to Wilfrid Utz.
I have decided to ask in this thread because I have a problem in similar area. I have defined my initial model in the development tool (incl.  the Add-ons section in the "library attributes"): However, there are no  available model groups at all in the modelling tool and no possibility to create one. Thanks a lot in advance.

Attachments: Modelling_Tool.jpg (62.2k)

RE: No Models after Installation
10/25/13 9:22 AM as a reply to Natalia Sudakova.
Dear Natalia,

thank you for your question. The issue you face relates to the definition of root model groups. There are 2 possibilities that you ended up with the situation as described:
a) during the setup/import of new libraries, you are asked whether you want to create a default group "Models" and if you said "No", no root model group is made available within the modelling toolkit. Users of the Modelling toolkit do not have the possibility to create new root groups without additional modification in your implementation
b) The usergroup your user of the modelling toolkit is in does not have access to any root modelgroup

To correct/modify that, please follow the steps below:

1) Login to the development toolkit and switch to the "Model management" component
2) Select "Model group mamagement from the quick access bar or the menu (Models -> Model group managmenet)
3) Select the library you want to update/modify
4) Create a new root model group using the management function and make sure that you provide access to the new/already existing group by defining the user groups with respective access (read, write, no access)

Please find below a conceptual representation of library - user - usergroups - modelgroups - models as well as a screenshot of the modelgroup management functionality in the development toolkit.



Attachments: ADOxxModelGroupManagement.PNG (67.9k), ADoxxModelLibrary.png (80.6k)