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AdoScript Command Call not Working on Windows 8.1?

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it seems that the AdoScript function 
in ADOxx 1.5 is broken on Windows 8.1 - the return parameter "filename" does not have a value. The other return parameters work as expected. Can anyone confirm this behaviour?


RE: AdoScript Command Call not Working on Windows 8.1?
4/28/15 5:52 AM as a reply to Stefan Hofer.
Dear Stefan,

thank you for your question. We already investigating this issue. In the meanwhile you can also use the command "SHOW_EXPORT_DLG" in the messageport "ImportExport". This command shows a dialog for exporting models and attribute profiles. The dialog can be used for any export format (e.g. XML).The parameters for this command are defined as follows:

CC "ImportExport"
SHOW_EXPORT_DLG [ title:strValue ] [ multi-select:boolValue ] [ model-groups-selectable:boolValue ] [ filename:strValue ] [ filedescription:strValue ][ fileextension:strValue ] [ mode:dialogMode ] .

dialogMode"adl" | "xml" .

-->RESULT endbutton:EndButton filename:strValue modelids:idStrValue mgroupids:idStrValue attrprofids:idStrValue apgroupids:idStrValue  with-models:boolValue with-referenced-models:boolValue  with-mgroups:boolValue mgroups-recursive:boolValue with-attrprofs:boolValue with-referenced-attrprofs:boolValue with-apgroups:boolValue apgroups-recursive:boolValue .

EndButton :"ok" | "cancel" .

The default values are:
title: "ADL export - selection"                   (German: "ADL-Export - Auswahl")
filedescription: "ADL files"                       (German: "ADL-Dateien")
fileextension: "*.adl" mode:"adl"

By default, multiple models can be selected and model groups are selectable. Set parameter multi-select:0 to allow just single selection. Set parameter model-groups-selectable:0 to disable model group selection.
The parameter mode is currently only used to attach the correct online help.
The bool result values with-referenced-models and with-referenced-attrprofs are just for information. They have not necessarily be evaluated by the export routine. The consequences of these options are already applied to the ID container values. The referenced models (if with-referenced-models is true) are already included in modelids. The referenced attribute profiles (if with-referenced-attrprofs is true) are already included in attrprofids.

Hint: Some of the result parameter names contain minus signs ('-'). If you want to use a variable name containing one or more minus signs within an expression, you have to prevent the LEO compiler from interpreting them as minus operator by prefixing the variable name with a quotation mark ('?'). So, within an expression, instead of with-referenced-models you have to write ?with-referenced-models.

Below you can also find an example of the command SHOW_EXPORT_DLG:

# 1. Model selection by user
1CC "ImportExport" SHOW_EXPORT_DLG title:"SRL Export" multi-select:1 filedescription:"SRL file" fileextension:"*.srl" mode:"adl"
2SET lSelectedModelIDs: (modelids)
3SET sExportSRLFileName: (filename)
4SET sExportADLFileName: (replall(filename, ".srl", "") + ".adl")

# 2. Export model in ADL formatCC "ImportExport"
1ADL_EXPORT (sExportADLFileName) modelids: (lSelectedModelIDs)

Kind Regards,

RE: AdoScript Command Call not Working on Windows 8.1?
4/29/15 12:55 PM as a reply to Mehmet Albayrak.
Thank you, Mehmet!

I've used SHOW_EXPORT_DLG as a workaround. However, it would be nice if EXEC_EXPORTDIALOG worked as it allows to filter by model type.

Kind regards,

RE: AdoScript Command Call not Working on Windows 8.1?
5/18/15 8:08 AM as a reply to Stefan Hofer.
Hi Stefan,

we have this entry on our change request list and will inform you as soon as we have an update here.

Best regards,