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Set format for double type attributes

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Set format for double type attributes
community documentation attribute type attribute facets
3/27/14 12:11 PM
How can I set the format to a double type attribute?
I want it with only two numbers after the dot in the GraphRep.

RE: Set format for double type attributes
graphrep layout round
12/6/13 11:58 AM as a reply to Anonymous.
For restricting the number of decimals of an attribute of type DOUBLE for all instances, use the statement LAYOUT in the AttributeNumericDomain facet of the respective attribute.
1LAYOUT decimals:3

If you want to display the full number of decimals in the Notebook, but only two decimals in the graphical representation, the solution would be using the function round() as described in the code snippet below (for displaying two decimals):
3AVAL myVariable: "myNumberAttribute"
4TEXT ( STR( round(myVariable*100)/100 ) )

The function round(x) returns the closest integer.