In the example under the used Ports are:
IP-address: Port:8080 Username:testuser Password:testpass
TEXTADOxx has standard functionality for reading text files.
The contents of files can be read using the command call FREAD from the "AdoScript"
The syntax of the command call is:
1CC "AdoScript" FREAD file: filename [ binary: boolValue ] [ base64: boolValue ] .
2--> RESULT ecode: intValue text: strValue .
You can read the contents of a text file in a string variable using the above command call and then parse the resulting text according to its format and your needs.
EXAMPLE - TEXTIn the example below, the text file contains a list of <name>:<value> pairs separated by a blank space (" ") representing the configuration for a fictive server, also attached to this post
1IP-address: Port:8080 Username:testuser Password:testpass
The following code snippet reads the contents of the file and saves the values of the respective attributes of an object:
1CC "Core" GET_ATTR_VAL objid: (idMyObjID) attrname: ("Configuration File")
2 # --> RESULT ecode: intValue val: strValue
4CC "AdoScript" FREAD file: ( val )
5 # --> RESULT ecode: intValue text: strValue .
6SET sTxtData: ( text )
8FOR sParameter in: (sTxtData) sep: " " {
9 SET sName: (token(sParameter,0,":"))
10 SET sValue: (token(sParameter,1,":"))
11 CC "Core" SET_ATTR_VAL objid: (idMyObjID) attrname: (sName) val: (sValue)
12 # --> RESULT ecode: intValue
The example above assumes that the object ID has been determined beforehand and set to the variable "idMyObjID" and the parameter names in the text file are the exact names of the attributes (IP-address, Port, Username, Password)
CSVIf the text file has a CSV-format, the rows are separated by the
charracter "\n" and within a row, the columns are separated by ";". As an example, the following CSV data can be read in the string variable sCsvData and then parsed line by line:
EXAMPLE - CSV 1CC "AdoScript" FREAD file: ("sample.csv")
2# --> RESULT ecode: intValue text: strValue .
3SET sCsvData: ( text )
5SET nRow:0
6SET nColumn:0
7FOR sRow in: (sCsvData) sep: "\n" {
8 SET nColumn:0
9 FOR sCell in: (sRow) sep: ";" {
10 CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX ("Row: " + STR nRow + ", Column: " + STR nColumn + ", Value: " + sCell)
11 SET nColumn: (nColumn + 1)
12 }
13 SET nRow: (nRow + 1)
The example above does not update the model, but reads the file and provides INFOBOX output. This output can be replaced by SET_ATTR_VAL statements to update objects for each line.
XLSIf the data is stored in XLS files, it can be accessed by using the command CALL for calling functions stored in the DLL file "ado2Xls.dll". The DLL file is included in the ADOxx 1.3 UL1 package and can be found in the folder <ADOxx_folder>\tools\misc
\ .The function AdoXslFetchText is used for reading the data from an XSL file. The function AdoXslCloseAll() is used for closing all XSL files previously opened for reading
withe the function AdoXlsFetchText.
EXAMPLE - XLS 1SET sDLLpath: ("tools\\misc\\ado2Xls.dll")
2SET sXSLfile: ("C:\\Temp\\test.xls")
3SET sXSLsheet: ("T1")
4SET sXSLcell: ("2,2")
6CALL dll: (sDLLpath) function:"long AdoXlsFetchText( char *strsource, char *strcell, char **pstrtext )"
7 strsource: (sXSLfile + ">" + sXSLsheet) strcell: (sXSLcell)
9CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX ("The value of the cell located at row 2, column 2 in the sheet T2 is: " + pstrtext)
11CALL dll: (sDLLpath) function:"long AdoXlsFetch( char *strsource, char *strcell, char **pstrvalue )"
12 strsource: (sXSLfile + ">" + sXSLsheet) strcell: (sXSLcell)
14CALL dll: (sDLLpath) function:"long AdoXlsCloseAll()"
DBIf the data is stored in a database, it can be read using the functions stored in the DLL file "ado2Odbc.dll", also included in the ADOxx 1.3 UL1 package and located in the folder <ADOxx_folder>\tools\misc
\ .Since the communication with the server is a bit more complex than reading from a file, several functions are required:
AdoOdbcConnect - for connecting to the database
AdoOdbcFetch - for reading a single value from the database
AdoOdbcExecute - for executing a query that returns more than one value
AdoOdbcFetchNext - for retrieving the next data record from the database; is always used after calling the AdoOdbcExecute function
EXAMPLE - DB 1SET sDLLpath: ("tools\\misc\\ado2Odbc.dll")
2SET sODBCconnection: "testdb"
3SET sODBCusername: "testuser"
4SET sODBCpass: "testpass"
6CALL dll: (sDLLpath) function:"long AdoOdbcConnect( char *strdbparam, char **pstrdbinst )"
7 strdbparam: (sODBCconnection + " " + sODBCusername + " " + sODBCpass)
8SETL sDbHandle: (pstrdbinst)
10SET sSelect: ("SELECT ID, Name, address FROM testdb01 WHERE ID>1")
12CALL dll: (sDLLpath) function:"long AdoOdbcFetch( char *strdbinst, char *strselect, char **pstrresult )"
13 strdbinst: (sDbHandle) strselect: (sSelect)
14#Only returns the first cell from the first row resulting from the SELECT statement
16CALL dll: (sDLLpath) function:"long AdoOdbcExecute( char *strdbinst, char *strselect, char **pstrcolumns )"
17 strdbinst: (sDbHandle)
18 strselect: (sSelect)
19 # --> pstrcolumns (list of column names separated by ASCII #128)
21SET eCode:0
22SET sResults:""
23WHILE ( eCode = 0 ) {
24 CALL dll: (sDLLpath) function:"long AdoOdbcFetchNext( char *strdbinst, long bmaskresult, char **pstrresult )"
25 strdbinst: (sDbHandle) bmaskresult:0
26 # --> pstrresult
27 SET eCode: ( result )
28 SET sResults: (sResults + "\n" + pstrresult)
31CC "AdoScript" EDITBOX text: (sResults) title: "Results..."
33CALL dll: (sDLLpath) function:"long AdoOdbcClose( char *strdbinst )"
34 strdbinst: (sDbHandle)