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Follow Up "Multiple Inheritance": Event Handlers in ADOxx

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Follow Up "Multiple Inheritance": Event Handlers in ADOxx
community class relation documentation
27/03/14 11:15
This question was raised after analysing the FAQ entry Multiple Inheritance and proceeding with solution 2.

Which event handlers do I need and when are they invoked?

General Introduction: Event Handlers
26/07/13 10:41 en réponse à Anonyme.
ADOxx provides a set of event handlers that are invoked from ADOxx in various user interaction. Please note that those events are invoked on meta-meta model level, so sometimes they seem a bit odd when only having the application in mind. (e.g. listing on attribute changes of objects may result in several events, although on application level the event seems much simpler)

For an overview on events available, please have a look at the online help in the Development tookit (press F1 with the Development tookit in focus)

A sample implementation can be downloaded in Solution Sample 2b V2: DOWNLOAD

Pièces jointes: EventHandler.jpg (61,3k)

Events used for the Multiple Inheritance Proposal 2.b
18/06/13 18:05 en réponse à Anonyme.
We are looking on the creation of a relation and a deletion of the relation to enable proper reaction at the pointer (interref).

- ON_EVENT "CreateRelationInstance" { ... } for adding an interref when a new connector is drawn
- ON_EVENT "DeleteRelationInstance" { ... } for deleting an interref when a connector is deleted