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Follow Up "Multiple Inheritance" : Use a class in several model types

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Follow Up "Multiple Inheritance" : Use a class in several model types
community class relation documentation
27/03/14 11:17
When I define an attribute I set in the facet the model type. Is it possible that this works without setting the model type, because it is a constraint?

RE: Follow Up "Multiple Inheritance" : Use a class in several model types
interref objref attributeinterrefdomain
24/06/13 09:08 en réponse à Anonyme.
When defining an attribute of type INTERREF (object reference), you have to enter both the name of the model type and the name of the class in the attribute facet "AttributeInterRefDomain".
In the current example, if you want to use the classes E and Y in more than one model type, you have to add all the model types in the facet:

 1REFDOMAIN max:999
 3     mt:"Sample"
 4     c:"Y"
 5     max:999
 8     mt:"Another Modeltype"
 9     c:"Y"
10     max:999