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Follow Up "Multiple Inheritance": Implicit relation inheritance

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Follow Up "Multiple Inheritance": Implicit relation inheritance
community class relation documentation
27/03/14 11:17
I have two classes A and B, a relation aPb from A to B and two sub-classes, AA and BB respectively.
According to CIDOC, due to the inheritance I should be able to have this relation between AA and BB too. ADOxx supports this if I were to use relations.
But now that we use INTERREF attributes, ADOxx gives me only the possibility (because the attributes are inherited) to connect A with B and AA with B, but there is not a connection between A and BB or betwen AA and BB, that is very important.
How could I solve it?

RE: Follow Up "Multiple Inheritance": Implicit relation inheritance
27/06/13 14:16 en réponse à Anonyme.
The functionality you mentionad is also implicitly available in ADOxx.
The issue can be solved by changing the event handlers for the events "CreateRelationInstance", "BeforeCreateRelationInstance" and "DeleteRelationInstance".
I have further developed the application library for Implementation 2b into version 1.2 and added the classes AA and BB derived from A and B, respectively. Please see attachment CIDOC_MultipleInheritance_Implementation-2b_1.2.abl .

I have also changed the implementation of the event handlers in the file "ExternalCoupling.asc" to allow the connectors between A and BB, AA and B and AA and BB, respectively. Please see attachment ExternalCoupling.asc .
Pièces jointes: CIDOC_MultipleInheritance_Implementation-2b_1.2.abl (19,1k), ExternalCoupling.asc (10,2k)