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New installation of ADOxx in Windows Server - Help with SQL server needed

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New installation of ADOxx in Windows Server - Help with SQL server needed
installation sql sql server
5/26/22 2:07 PM
We would like to install ADOxx in a Windows VM running on Windows Server 2016 Standard.

However I looked at the ADOxx requirements defined here and the supported DBMS is up until the 2012 version and the Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express supports up to the Windows Server 2012.

If I install the SQL Server 2016 which can be supported by our Windows Server 2016, will I be able to use ADOxx 1.5, or should I find another OS/VM?

RE: New installation of ADOxx in Windows Server - Help with SQL server need
5/27/22 6:25 AM en resposta a Nena Basina.
The installation of ADOxx will work on MS SQL 2016. the important thing is to install it according to the manual process outlined here (https://www.adoxx.org/live/installation-guide-15-other-collation), more specifically the authentication needs to be defined in „Mixed mode“.

RE: New installation of ADOxx in Windows Server - Help with SQL server need
setup administration sql server sa
6/22/22 9:05 AM en resposta a Wilfrid Utz.
I manually installed MS SQL 2016 and created a second instance ADOXX15EN (first instance was default SQLEXPRESS) following the instructions for Mixed Mode and SA password etc here but then when I went on to run the setup.exe in ADOxx, at the point where it needed the SA password, I put the same password I specified and it failed (tried it with both instances). 
I followed the instructions here for resetting the SA password but this didn't seem to work either as input when on the ADOxx setup.

Am I missing something? Should I uninstall the MS SQL 2016 completely and start over a new manual installation?