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ADOxx Web Services

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ADOxx Web Services
community documentation adoxx web service
27/3/14 11:05 पूर्वाह्न
  1. How can we call the ADDOxx WebService (http://localhost....) ?
  2. What are the features offered by ADOxx Web services?
  3. What information can be queried (person, attributes, modules,etc.)?
  4. How can we extend the ADDOxx Web Services for our own application?

RE: ADOxx Web Services
23/10/17 7:32 पूर्वाह्न as a reply to Fadi.
ADOxx offers an AdoScript based web-service interface that can be used for integration and extension programming. The basic interface is provided by the platform and can be used to send SOAP encoded messages to ADOxx and retrieve information back. As the implementation is generic, any kind of AdoScript-based functionality can be implemented - specific consideration should be given to AdoScript functionality that require a user interface.

1) Starting ADOxx service web server on a defined port: the service interface for development and debug reasons can be started using the following AdoScript command:

1CC "AdoScript" SERVICE start [port:intValue] [backlog:intValue] [output:statusbar | textfield]
2# port: defined the port that the service should be started on - Default: 80, port must be available on the machine
3# backlog: Max queue size for requests - Default: 100
4# output: Specification of where status messages of the ADONIS Web Service server are put out. statusbar (default): Messages are shown in the status bar.textfield: Messages are appended to a textfield. As this reduces the server performance (in relation to statusbar mode), this mode should just be used when really needed.

2) Stopping ADOxx service web server:

1CC "AdoScript" SERVICE stop

3) Service Interaction: interacting with the service is possible from an kind of client implementation that support SOAP-based messages. Please find below a sample Java project that connects to the service, triggers functionality in ADOxx and returns values respectively. The project is provides as source and can be used to start developing clients for interaction.

SVN: ADOWS Java Client

4) Server deployment: in order to stabilize development and deploy the ADOxx service with load-balancing and restart mechanisms, the LBRS (Load Balancing and Restart Service) is provided for stable deployment. The LBRSWS wraps the ADOWS as described above and similiar mechanisms can be applied. Documentation on the LBRSWS is packaged in the client/server package available upon request, for client interaction, please use the Java project through SVN

SVN: LBRS Java Client

Implementing concrete methods for your project would mean to expose the functionality developed in Java and AdoScript through standard interfaces (ReST, SOAP, Servlet) and deployment in a server environment. The attached conceptual architecture describes the approach proposed for realisation of project-specific functionality.
