Installation Process: MacOS

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Installation Guide: MacOS

ADOxx 1.5: MacOS Installation Guide

This installation guide provides details on the installation procedure of the experimental port of the ADOxx to macOS and supports the installation directly without a dedicated virtualisation environment. Installation is performed script-based.The script installs ADOxx  on your macOS using native virtualisation techniques. This means that no virtualised Microsoft Windows environment is required.

This port to macOS is EXPERIMENTAL (including the installation script). Use at your own risk!

Tested macOS Versions:

  • Mojave (10.14.3)


The requirements are installed as part of the script automatically. User interaction is required to elevate the terminal interaction.

  • Homebrew (https://brew.sh) for installing dependencies
  • Docker
  • Wine (3.21 or newer recommended)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Express (running on Docker)

Installation procedure

The installation script is made for bash. The tool and all prerequesites require about 10.0GB of free space with all prerequisites and configuration (~7GB for prerequisites, ~2GB for Wine prefix and Docker container, rest for compressed and extracted installer and the tool itself). This can of course vary based on which prerequesites are already available, how much the temporary installation files require, or which packages have new updates.
To run the installation script, simply open a terminal window, navigate to the extracted download package and start the installation using ./install_mac.sh. It might be necessary to first add execution rights to the script using chmod +x ./install_mac.sh
The script also allows to influence its behaviour through the use of some command-line arguments:

  • --nocolor will omit using any special colors when printing information
  • --ignorechecks will not perform any checks and instead ask the user every time some part is installed/set-up whether to do so
  • --skipprereq will skip the installation of any prerequisites, which can be useful if the user wants to manually install the prerequisites beforehand

Note: Sometimes servers are not available or a timeout occurs (during step 2, 3 or 4). In such a case please abort the script using CTRL+C (might have to press several times) and run it again.

Manual installation of prerequisites


Homebrew (or just brew) is used to install many of the other programs needed, like Wine and Docker.
To install Homebrew simply open a terminal and execute  /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)".
It is recommended to run brew doctor afterwards, which checks the Homebrew installation for any problems it might have.


Wine is required to run the ADOxx based tool. Obtaining a recent installation should be easy using Homebrew, but it requires XQuartz. To install both: open a terminal, install XQuartz using  brew cask install xquartz and then install Wine using brew install wine.
More help on installing Wine can be found at https://www.davidbaumgold.com/tutorials/wine-mac/#part-1:-install-homebrew For help with wine on macOS check out https://wiki.winehq.org/MacOS_FAQ


Winetricks is necessary to install some of the requirements for the database (mdac28). The installation can be performed using Homebrew by simply running brew install winetricks in a terminal.


Docker is used to run the database to which the ADOxx based tool connects and thus necessary for it to run properly. The installation is usually easy by simply using Homebrew in a terminal through the command  brew cask install docker. So far recent versions of Docker haven't been making any problems, so no specific information about what version has to be used is available.

Starting the tool

The installation script copies a shortcut for ADOxx to the Applications folder, which can be used to start the tool. Note that some macOS systems will block starting applications that aren't obtained from the App Store and show a warning instead. It is still possible to force starting the application by going to "System Preferences > Security & Privacy" and in the "Generals" tab select "Open" next to the message towards the bottom. Alternatively the tool can also be started by executing the provided .sh script in the downloaded archive or using the following command in a terminal:  WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX="${HOME}/.wine_adoxx" wine
"${HOME}/.wine_adoxx/drive_c/Program Files/BOC/<INSTALL_DIR>_ADOxx_SA/areena.exe"
-uAdmin -ppassword -d<DB_NAME>

Uninstallation procedure

The uninstallation script is made for bash and works correctly only if the provided installation procedure has been used. The uninstallation does not remove the requirements/dependencies that have been installed as part of the script (Homebrew, Wine, winetricks, Docker). These have to be removed manually.
To run the uninstallation script, simply open a terminal window, navigate to the extracted download package and start it using ./uninstall__mac.sh. It might be necessary to first add execution rights to the script using chmod +x ./uninstall_mac.sh The script also allows to influence its behaviour through the use of some command-line arguments:

  • --nocolor will omit using any special colors when printing information.

Important for developers of AdoScript:

When using the tool on MacOS the "current working directory" isn't the ADOxx installation directory but the home directory. So using relative file paths or the GET_CWD to access things in the ADOxx installation folder won't work. Use CC "Application" GET_PATH instead.