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How to move model elements automatically to the background layer?

מבט משולב מבט שטוח תצוגת עץ
שירשורים [ קודם | הבא ]
How to move model elements automatically to the background layer?
development tools adoxx
11:30 15/06/19

As i want to edit the elements wihin a frame it would be very helpful that container/frame elements are automatically placed in the background layer.
Otherwise i will have to do that manualy.

Is it possible to place elements of a specified class always in the background layer?

Thank you for your help.


(Version: ADOxx 1.5)

RE: How to move model elements automatically to the background layer?
17:06 18/03/20 פורסם כתגובה ל-Martin Paczona.
To be more precise i want to perform the to background fuctionality (Layer -> to background) over ADOxscript
Is there really no way to do that?

Thank you.
קובץ מצורף

קבצים מצורפים: background.jpg (42.5k)

RE: How to move model elements automatically to the background layer?
09:27 11/02/21 פורסם כתגובה ל-Martin Paczona.
Dear Martin,

this can be achieved for all newly created elements by specifying the layer attribute in GRAPHREP with a negative value like this:

2  VALUE "GRAPHREP layer:-1 sizing:asymmetrical ... "

Vladimir Shekhovtsov

RE: How to move model elements automatically to the background layer?
graphrep layout toolkit
21:05 19/02/21 פורסם כתגובה ל-Vladimir Shekhovtsov.
Thank you this is exactly what i needed.

Defining it  in the Development Tookit within the GRAPHREP the code looks following:
GRAPHREP layer:-1 sizing:asymmetrical
