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Run DashboardTransformer.java

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Run DashboardTransformer.java
7-7-16 13:33

how can I run DashboardTransformer.java?

Thank you very much

RE: Run DashboardTransformer.java
8-7-16 6:47 Geplaatst als antwoord op Andrea Rapacci.

Our problem is that we are not able to generate the data.json file. The guide says that we have to open the DashboardTransformer.java, how to do it? if we run it via console we receive this error: "package org.apache.log4j does not exist.

Our major problem is also that we are trying to personalize the dashboard view, we are modifying the dashboard.js file but what we write there doesn't appear in the header of the dashboard that we load.

Thank you, we are looking forward to hear you soon.

RE: Run DashboardTransformer.java
11-12-17 14:14 Geplaatst als antwoord op Andrea Rapacci.
Dear Andrea,

In order to solve the problem please follow the steps under https://www.adoxx.org/live/dashboard-extend. At the end, you will have to open the file in an Eclipse environment. 

If you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to contact us anytime. 

Bijlagen: CustomizeDashboard.PNG (21,7k)