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Ralize a centralized repository
28-04-2014 10:19
I would like to realize a centralized repository. It should be possible to easily extend the repository. The repository itself shall be a model. The elements from a particular type shell be selected within two other models.

In this example a "Skill Model" is used to build the repository. Within a business process model the skills from the repository shall be selected and define the name of the of the skill-requirement-element within the business process mode. One skill from the repository can be assigned to one skill requirement within the business process model.

Further the "Work Environment Model" shall be extended. It should be possible to assign zero to n skills to a person within the model.

The following graphics show the models. The elements with the red mark should contain the assignments in the details section of the form.

Acessórios: Forum.jpg (70,8k)

RE: Ralize a centralized repository
28-04-2014 10:40 as a reply to Patrick Wüest.
Dear Patrick,

I would suggest two examples that have already been implemented by the ADOxx.ORG community.

The first example has been presented in one of the ADOxx.ORG Trainings in 2013 and implements functionality for semantic lifting. The example can be downloaded as part of the training materials of the ADOxx Training Days in Vienna, on March 26th - 27th 2013, the package is called Domain Samples and Development Tools. The whole list of future and prefious ADOxx trainings can be accessed in the section "Tutorial" of the ADOxx.ORG portal.

The second possible solution is called "Interref Editor" and it has been presented as an implementation scenarion in the "Frequently Asked Question" section of the ADOxx.ORG portal. The solution allows selecting a reference (pointer) by displaying a complex tree containing all the model groups, the models of certain type(s) in each model group and all objects of certain type(s) in each model, including a tree-like structure of those objects (taxonomy-like). A direct link to that post is here:

Although the two solutions have some common concepts, I would favor the second one, mainly because of it's flexibility and ease of implementation and configuration.