Showing 1 - 20 of 29 results.
Artigos por a página 20
de 2
Categoria Categorias Linhas Bornes  
AAU Project
Project specific questions and answers from the project at Alpen-Adria Unversity Klagenfurt.
0 41 122 RSS (Abre a janela nova)
Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel
Project specific questions and answers from the project at Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel.
0 4 15 RSS (Abre a janela nova)
Project specific questions and answers from the project CIDOC-CRM.
0 17 45 RSS (Abre a janela nova)
Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Mannheim (DHBW Mannheim)
Project specific questions and answers from the work at the Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Mannheim (DHBW Mannheim).
0 2 3 RSS (Abre a janela nova)
Ecole d'ingénieur Informatique et Système d'Information dans la Sante
Project specific questions and answers from the project at Ecole d'ingénieur Informatique et Système d'Information dans la Sante.
0 1 2 RSS (Abre a janela nova)
EU-Project: BIVEE
Subcategories: 1. Overview, 2. Modeling Language, 3. Mechanisms and Algorithms, 4. Toolkit
4 17 29 RSS (Abre a janela nova)
EU-Project: eHealthMonitor
The eHealthMonitor Space is already finished. Please find all contribution also in the 'Scenario Collection'.

Subcategories: 1. Overview, 2. Modeling Language, 3. Mechanisms and Algorithms, 4.Toolkit
4 26 26 RSS (Abre a janela nova)
EU-Project: LearnPad
Subcategories: 1. Overview, 2. Modeling Language, 3. Mechanisms and Algorithms, 4. Toolkit
9 77 105 RSS (Abre a janela nova)
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW
Project specific questions and answers from the work at the FHNW.
0 14 46 RSS (Abre a janela nova)
Fachhochschule St.Gallen - Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften
Project specific questions and answers from the work at the FHS St.Gallen.
0 2 4 RSS (Abre a janela nova)
Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
Project specific questions and answers from the project at Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH).
0 12 40 RSS (Abre a janela nova)
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions and answers introducing
0 14 28 RSS (Abre a janela nova)
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Project specific questions and answers from the work at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
0 5 8 RSS (Abre a janela nova)
meta Case
Discussion to see if ADOxx has the functionality to restore SRE tool for modern applications.
0 4 8 RSS (Abre a janela nova)
National Technical University of Athens
Project specific questions and answers from the project at National Technical University of Athens
0 2 3 RSS (Abre a janela nova)
RE'2014 Tutorial
T13: "Developing Modelling Toolkits for Requirements Engineering"
0 0 0 RSS (Abre a janela nova)
Realization Cases
Discussion forum for realisation cases on

Subcategories: Realization Case: ADOuni, Realization Case: BPMN, Realization Case: ER, Realization Case: OWL, Realization Case: UML
5 4 10 RSS (Abre a janela nova)
Riga Technical University
Project specific questions and answers from the work with the Riga Technical University.
0 1 2 RSS (Abre a janela nova)
Scenario Collection
Presentation of implementation scenarios, questions, answers.
0 45 55 RSS (Abre a janela nova)
Secure Tropos Project
Project specific questions and answers from the project Secure Tropos.

Subcategories: Documentation
1 24 57 RSS (Abre a janela nova)
Showing 1 - 20 of 29 results.
Artigos por a página 20
de 2
Showing 1 - 20 of 25 results.
de 2
Linha Bandeira Começado Perto Bornes Vistas Último Borne  
Scope of ADOscript in PROGRAMCALL attribute Hans-Georg Fill 1 85132 Data: 20-05-2021 15:14
Por: Hans-Georg Fill
RSS (Abre a janela nova)
24 món quà sinh nhật đẹp đẽ và ý nghĩa nhất dành tặng nàng Blogger Hoạ Sĩ 1 89829 Data: 28-04-2021 8:51
Por: Blogger Hoạ Sĩ
RSS (Abre a janela nova)
Writing rotated text Esperando uma resposta Zlatko Stapic 3 91505 Data: 25-03-2021 9:04
Por: Zlatko Stapic
RSS (Abre a janela nova)
Detect DeleteRelation origin Ghassen Frikha 1 93764 Data: 02-03-2021 10:08
Por: Ghassen Frikha
RSS (Abre a janela nova)
ADOxx API (interaction with python scripts) Martin Paczona 2 90999 Data: 19-02-2021 21:08
Por: Martin Paczona
RSS (Abre a janela nova)
How to move model elements automatically to the background layer? Esperando uma resposta Martin Paczona 4 92566 Data: 19-02-2021 21:05
Por: Martin Paczona
RSS (Abre a janela nova)
SYSTEM command with relative path Esperando uma resposta Ben Roelens 1 86413 Data: 06-02-2021 22:37
Por: Ben Roelens
RSS (Abre a janela nova)
ADOxx add you own help to the modeling tool Martin Paczona 1 88978 Data: 25-11-2020 7:52
Por: Martin Paczona
RSS (Abre a janela nova)
RECORD (Record table) Martin Paczona 1 89990 Data: 25-11-2020 7:22
Por: Martin Paczona
RSS (Abre a janela nova)
Can i call an external script (Adoscrip) from the Graphrep definition? Martin Paczona 1 93758 Data: 02-07-2020 16:33
Por: Martin Paczona
RSS (Abre a janela nova)
Hide Dotted Print Line Esperando uma resposta Joscha Hofer 2 89550 Data: 29-06-2020 9:22
Por: Martin Paczona
RSS (Abre a janela nova)
How can i detect if a model is created using the dialog "New..."? Martin Paczona 1 86643 Data: 29-06-2020 9:16
Por: Martin Paczona
RSS (Abre a janela nova)
Transparency of GraphRep elements Martin Paczona 1 94041 Data: 20-03-2020 12:32
Por: Martin Paczona
RSS (Abre a janela nova)
Get model which is currently shown in the modeling editor Martin Paczona 2 92749 Data: 05-03-2020 15:01
Por: Martin Paczona
RSS (Abre a janela nova)
Tool Support writing expressions in ADOxx (EVAL_AQL_EXPRESSION) Martin Paczona 1 91090 Data: 17-01-2020 15:53
Por: Martin Paczona
RSS (Abre a janela nova)
[adbinst-13] during installation process Anonymous 1 93089 Data: 18-06-2019 8:48 RSS (Abre a janela nova)
Self-Relation Resolved Christos trikalis 2 105633 Data: 30-04-2019 11:05
Por: Thomas Off
RSS (Abre a janela nova)
Group/Combine Model Elements in Modelling Editor Resolved Martin Paczona 3 94387 Data: 09-01-2019 13:26
Por: Martin Paczona
RSS (Abre a janela nova)
ADD_INTERREF to model Resolved Valentina Tessa 3 89500 Data: 10-12-2018 11:18
Por: Mateusz Dziedzic
RSS (Abre a janela nova)
Rotate model elements (GraphRep) in modeling tool Martin Paczona 1 88611 Data: 27-11-2018 18:50
Por: Martin Paczona
RSS (Abre a janela nova)
Showing 1 - 20 of 25 results.
de 2