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RE: Change the start/end position of the connections

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Change the start/end position of the connections
community graphrep relation documentation
27.3.2014 11:11
Is it possible to define a restricted area left and right of an object where the incoming and outgoing connections start and end?

RE: Change the start/end position of the connections
16.10.2013 12:05 ako reakcia na Judith Michael.
Dear Judith,

thank you for your message. The functionality requested is currently not supported on development/configuration level. The user of the model has the chance to modify end-points during the creation of relations, but this cannot be pre-set. We took your input as a change request into consideration and will update you as soon as an update of the platform is available.

RE: Change the start/end position of the connections
connector beforecreateinstance relation class
15.6.2019 11:40 ako reakcia na Wilfrid Utz.

Any news on pre-setting the connection points for the modeling elements ? 

Best Regards,
Martin Paczona

RE: Change the start/end position of the connections
14.8.2019 6:38 ako reakcia na Martin Paczona.
A functionality, which can be useful for that purpose is the modelling assistant. This way a connection to another object is done from a pre-set connection point on the side you select. To activate the modelling assistant click on the icon in the modelling toolkit. The functionality interprets the meta model and provides the selection capabilities. The assistant enables the creation of objects on every side of the source.

Prílohy: modelling assistant.PNG (51,5k)