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Documentation DOC: Sample implementation

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Documentation DOC: Sample implementation
community documentation transformation core transformation adoscript
27.3.2014 12:21
Based on the RTF implementation, a transformation to DOC can be implemented. The necessary extension for the transformation is available as the rtf2doc.exe implementation as part of the ADOxx installation (tools folder).

Usage: rtf2doc.exe -file <filename> <max_header> <max_footer>
-file: specify a filename afterwards. You can also specify a list of files seperated by a question mark (?), the full path of the file but without the RTF extension, the DOC file is always named like the rtf-file but replacing the extension to DOC
<max_header>: Specification of the maximum height of all headers.
<max_footer>: The same like max_header but only for the footers in the rtf-file

In the AdoScript that is run, the following command needs to be added:
1SYSTEM ("\"" + homedir + "\\tools\\rtf2doc\\rtf2doc.exe\" -file \"" + replace(filename, ".rtf", "") + "\" 3 3") result:rc hide