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Business Process Model Integration with Business Rules and Motivation, Data

Сполучений вид Пласке подання Переклади як: Деревом
Теми [ Попередній | Наступний ]
The system shall enable integrated modeling of roles (who), process (how), information items / documents (what), and business rules (how/why) and business motivations.

RE: Business Process Model Integration with Business Rules and Motivation,
09.09.14 12:23 як відповідь на Zhaklin Karaneycheva.
The provided package BPMN 2.0 of ADOxx.org give the modeler the opportunity to model with the following supported modeltypes:
  1. Company Map                              (how/why)
  2. Business Process Diagramm              (how)
  3. Working Environment                          (who)
  4. Document Model                                (what)

       Use BPMN based on ADOxx