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BP-Models: Content references

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BP-Models: Content references
Câu trả lời
10:39 08/09/2014
Documents, artifacts and data object related to the process should be referenced by business process model elements.

RE: BP-Models: Content references
Câu trả lời
12:29 09/09/2014 gửi bài phản hồi tới Zhaklin Karaneycheva.
The provided package BPMN 2.0 of ADOxx.org give the modeler the opportunity to model with the following supported modeltypes:
  1. Company Map                              
  2. Business Process Diagramm              (how)
  3. Working Environment                          (who)
  4. Document Model                                (what)
With the 'Document Model' modeltype one is able to reference documents and contents with BP model elements.

         Use BPMN based on ADOxx