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Is there an event to catch a mode change?

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Is there an event to catch a mode change?
community documentation adoscript trigger
Câu trả lời
12:33 27/03/2014
There is no such event which would be raised when a mode changes. It is required to detect such change because some specific AdoScript has to be executed (i.e. some objects on the drawing area must be hidden or shown) depending on the mode. Is there a way to detect a mode change and execute an AdoScript on that?

RE: Is there an event to catch a mode change?
Câu trả lời
12:36 08/03/2013 gửi bài phản hồi tới Cho phép người dùng chưa đăng ký.
Mode Change can be caught with the event "AfterUpdateGrObjects", current modename can be retrieved with CC "Modeling" GET_VIEW_MODE.
Copy the sample code below in the external coupling attribute of the library to proceed.

ON_EVENT "AfterUpdateGrObjects"
CC "Modeling" debug GET_VIEW_MODE