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Model-based conditions in design (icon) view

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Model-based conditions in design (icon) view
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22:31 09/02/2021

I would like to show different icons on a modeling palette depending on the availability of some class instances in a model. The example could look as follows:
1) The class A contains an INTERREF pointing to an instance of the class B. The functionality of A is reduced without B, and usually the instance of B should exist somewhere on a diagram before A.
Still instances of A can be created without B, but their icons are shown in grayscale on the diagram to indicate the reduced functionality.
2) When there are no instances of class B available in a model, I would like to make the icon of class A on a modeling palette also shown in grayscale.
3) So I need to know the number of instances for the certain class when I show the icon on a modeling palette, I can set e.g. this diagram's __ModelTypeMetaData__ property values to these numbers,
but I have no idea if I can refer to these properties in the design mode. Is it possible at all?