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Name - dependant graphical representation

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Name - dependant graphical representation
community graphrep documentation
Câu trả lời
11:14 27/03/2014
Is it possible when I define the Name of an instance to display it in the modelling Toolkit and change the displayed name every time the name changes?

RE: Name - dependant graphical representation
Câu trả lời
12:36 04/07/2013 gửi bài phản hồi tới Cho phép người dùng chưa đăng ký.
Yes, it is possible to display the contents of the attribute "Name" or any other attribute using the graphrep statement ATTR.
Please see the example below:

3FILL color:gray
4ELLIPSE x:0.00cm y:0cm rx:1cm ry:1cm
5ATTR "Name" x:0.00cm y:1.0cm w:c
6FONT "Arial" h:32pt
7TEXT "A" x:0.00cm y:0.00cm w:c h:c

The graphical representation described below demonstrates the use of the statements ATTR and TEXT.
ATTR displays the contents of an attribute, in this case the attribute "Name" (line 5), while TEXT displays a predefined string, in this case "A" (line 7) .