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Error: (Wrong value in attribute "Configuration of documentation")

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Hi, i have an error in Developement Toolkit database that i cannot resolve, this is the message i get:
Dynamic library: BPMN20_ADOxx13UL1_v1-01 Dynamic Library

Checking library attributes

Date: 05.05.2016, 16:57

Wrong value in attribute "Configuration of documentation".

Error in the attribute "Configuration of documentation",
property mode.
The value "Documentation" of the the attribute "Mode" is invalid.
Valid values are:

Error in the attribute "Configuration of documentation",
property gfxmode.
The value "Documentation" of the the attribute "Graphic file mode" is invalid.
Valid values are: do not change

Error in the attribute "Configuration of documentation",
property mode.
The value "Documentation" of the the attribute "Mode" is invalid.
Valid values are:

Error in the attribute "Configuration of documentation",
The value "Documentation" of the the attribute "gfxmode" is invalid.
Valid values are: do not change


Probably the error is in the Library Attribute but i cannot resolve.

Thank you very much

RE: Error: (Wrong value in attribute "Configuration of documentation")
Câu trả lời
05:55 06/05/2016 gửi bài phản hồi tới fabio monteneri.
As the BPMN library of ADOxx.org contains 'RTF' and 'HTML' documentation. These documentations need an extension in the modeltype definitions. This means if you define new modeltypes you have to add a MODE called 'Documentation' to your modeltype definition by adding the following line of code.

1MODE "Documentation" from:all no-modeling

The extension 'no-modelling means that this MODE will not be shown in the option "Modes" in the Modelling Component.

RE: Error: (Wrong value in attribute "Configuration of documentation")
Câu trả lời
12:20 11/05/2016 gửi bài phản hồi tới Mehmet Albayrak.
Thank you very much, this solved my problem.