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Relation class
relation class
Câu trả lời
20:23 27/06/2016

we are trying to create a new Relation class.
Our procedure is:
1- Go into Class Hierarchy
2- Relation Classes -> New -> New Relationclass
3- i punt a name, from class and to class
4- i add the relation class created into my library attribute addons

When i go to the modeling toolkit there's not the relation class created... What is the problem?

Thanks a lot

RE: Relation class
Câu trả lời
05:32 28/06/2016 gửi bài phản hồi tới Andrea Rapacci.
You have also to ensure that the source class and the target class of the relation is defined in this model type (step 4). If only one of them is missing the relation will not be displayed as you cannot model it.