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Documentation: JADE Processing

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Documentation: JADE Processing
community documentation transformation core transformation adoscript
14-3-27 下午12:26
The documentation does not cover the "Jade" post-processor enough. Currently it helps to export WORD and HTML documents, but they are incomplete - WORD document does not include graphics of models; they are exported besides the WORD document and never merged into it. HTML on the other hand lacks any images, which supposed to show as a part of HTML template (i.e. header images). This is true for model graphics as well - they are not merged into the HTML files the same way they are left out of the WORD document.

RE: Documentation: JADE Processing
13-4-2 上午9:45 回复 匿名。
JADE is used as a DSSSL processor and is called in the documentation chain as defined in the Configuration of Documentation Attribute. Further details on JADE and DSSSL are available at the URLs below:
Reference Jade: http://www.jclark.com/jade/
Reference DSSSL: http://dsssl.netfolder.com/

On the issue to tie in models in the output, the example WORD output is actually in RTF output (Microsoft WORD intepretes the wrong file ending correctly as an RTF and opens) as specified but with wrong file-ending. When opening the file and pressing F9, the RTF is updated and now includes the referenced model. If this should be done automatically, please use the rtf2doc tool in the tools folder to auto-convert. This functionality can be called from AdoScript.

With respect to the HTML output, the used DSL file ´needs to be reviewed (transformation of SGML -> RTF or HTML, std2rtf2.dsl or std2html6.dsl in the ADOxx installation directory which are currently referenced). DSLs are actually method dependent and need to be programmed accordingly.