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HandsOn: Modeltype GraphRep - Modelattribute Display

Displaying Model Attributes on the Drawing Area

The following steps describe how to realize a GraphRep for the model type "X" for an arbitrary ADOxx application library:

  1. Select "__ModelTypeMetaData__" in the class hierarchy. Add a new class attribute called "X GraphRep" of type STRING and with the following attribute value:
    GRAPHREP layer:-1
    AVAL name:"Name" # model name
    AVAL type:"Type" # model type name
    AVAL count:"Number of objects and relations"
    SET y:0.5cm
    FONT "Verdana" h:24pt style:"outline" color:gray
    TEXT (name + " (" + type + ")") x:0.5cm y:(y) w:l h:t
    SET y:(y + 24pt + 0.3cm)
    FONT "Verdana" h:12pt color:gray
    TEXT ("Object count: " + count) x:0.5cm y:(y) w:l h:t

  2. Update the library attribute "Modi" by locating the element
    MODELTYPE "X" ...
    and add graphrep:"X GraphRep" to that element:
    MODELTYPE "X" graphrep:"X GraphRep" ...

Now, when working on a X model, its name and object count are displayed on the drawing area.