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RE: Selecting several objects after using the Queries/Report function

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The Analysis component provides the "Queries/Report" functionality which allows executing an AQL query and shows the result in a separate (sub-)window. From there it is possible to click on the rows to select the queried elements. Is it also somehow possible to select a) all of the elements from the result? b) only specific elements from the result (e.g. by clicking on the rows while holding CTRL or SHIFT or something)?

RE: Selecting several objects after using the Queries/Report function
11/5/14 7:57 PM as a reply to Patrik.
This is not possible, since the idea of clicking on the result window is to have a possibility to select, modify in graphical or also in table mode (within the result window). The scenario you have in mind can be accomplished when you write your own script to evaluate AQL and select then all instances that are returned as object IDs. Be careful, since AQL also runs on none open models!

RE: Selecting several objects after using the Queries/Report function
11/10/14 7:03 AM as a reply to Wilfrid Utz.