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RE: Installation/Version Problems

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Installation/Version Problems
6/12/13 7:54 AM
After successful installation of ADOxx using the default instance of MS SQL Server Express (named MSSQLSERVER) I also wanted to install the UML implementation (from openmodels.at available at http://www.openmodels.at/web/omi/resources).

The problem is that I cannot do it as the latter installation does not see the SQL server engine (I got asqladm-06 error: "SQL Server is stopped or could not be started"). I guess it corresponds to the situation when I have the default SQL server instance already running when installing ADOxx or the derived product.

Previously I installed ADONIS Community edition (http://www.adonis-community.com) and I am able to use it after ADOxx installation as it uses another SQL Server instance (named SQLEXPRESS), so actually I have two instances running at the same time, but the ADOxx for UML installation does not see any of them.

RE: Installation/Version Problems
6/12/13 7:59 AM as a reply to Anonymous.
The issue experienced when installing the UML tool from openmodels.at relates to compatibility issues in the database setup, structure and schema between 2 different databases setup, the type of database an ADOxx tool could connect to and the like. The UML tool that you tried to download builds on an older version of ADOxx, that does not support a non-default DB, uses a simplified password for the SA account and would have issues with the newer installs you have successfully run (ADOxx 1.3, ADONIS Community Edition).

To solve this situation in future, we already contacted the OMILAB team for further investigations. An interim workaround could be down to install the tools in increasing order of their versions, meaning for your situation:

a. Start with the an empty default instance in a support DB engine (as descibed by the OMILAB team)
b. Install the UML tool
c. Install ADOxx and/or ADONIS:CE (the order is not important since both are compatible)