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Import of Libary in ADONIS Administration Toolkit

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I wanted to import a library which I created with Adoxx into the administration tool of Adonis Version 6 German. The error message said that an attribute is missing.
Is the import of Adoxx library to Adonis not possile?

Best regards

Adjunts: ado_library_import_error.JPG (25,9k)

RE: Import of Libary in ADONIS Administration Toolkit
30/03/15 08:29 com a respotat a Knut Hinkelmann.
The import of libraries developed using ADOxx is technically not supported into ADONIS due to a) language differences (the metamodel is language dependent) and also the metamodel is adapted to be generic (ADONIS is focused on Business Process Management and a tool rather than a platform).

In case you want use the library as a tool, rather than the platform, I would kindly ask you to use the AutoPDP service on the website, or get in touch with us directly to discuss potential solutions!

Best regards,