Developer Spaces

Mostrando o intervalo 1 - 20 de 24 resultados.
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BIMERR: Renovation 4.0
Join the BIMERR developer space to support the development of a Process & Workflow Modelling & Automation toolkit.
3 Unirse
BIVEE: Production Process Management
The developer resources in the context of the BIVEE project are provided in this development space. Become an active part in the BIVEE Modelling Toolkit developer community and join today!
3 Unirse
Reliability displays for the confidence calibration of AI-based systems
3 Unirse
CAxMan: Business Modelling
Join the CAxMan developer space to support the development of Business Modelling Toolkit for Industry 4.0 !
1 Unirse
Join the Change2Twin developer space to support the development of a Process & Workflow Modelling & Automation toolkit.
4 Unirse
CloudSocket: Digitalisation of Business
Join the CloudSocket Developer Space and collaborate on business and IT-Cloud alignment using a Smart Socket.
4 Unirse
Join the COGITO developer space to support the development of a Process & Workflow Modelling & Automation toolkit for Construction domain.
3 Unirse
Join the ComplAI developer space to support the development of a Process & Workflow Modelling & Automation toolkit.
4 Unirse
DISRUPT: Production Process Management
European Research Project on Factories of the Future. Model-based support to: “Transform Manufacturing for Industry 4.0 “and “Validate technologies in key industrial sectors”.
2 Unirse
École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
Team of STI-DK from EPFL uses ADOxx modeltype of User Story Mapping method to deliver domain specific ontology for manufacturing companies.
3 Unirse
eHealthMonitor Developer Space
Join the eHealthMonitor Developer Space
1 Unirse
FEM - Fractal Enterprise Model
Developer Space for the Fractal Enterprise Model (FEM)
2 Unirse
GO0D-MAN: Zero Defect Manufacturing
European Research Project on Zero Defect Manufacturing
1 Unirse is the community portal of the ADOxx metamodelling platform. Join to gain full-access to the platform development resources, tools and documentation!
654 Unirse
LearnPAd: Technology Enhanced Learning
The LearnPAd developer's space on targets the development of a process-driven modelling toolkit for public administration integrated with collaborative tools and services of the project platform.
67 Unirse
Join the MEASURE developer space to support the development of a model-based method and tool for the planing, monitoring and evaluation of major incident exercises using AI support.
3 Unirse
NEXT-TELL: Technology Enhanced Learning
Join the NEXT-TELL developer space to support the development of modelling toolkits for planning and model-driven design in the domain of technology-enhanced learning (TEL)!
3 Unirse
OrbEEt: Open / Big Data Management
Join the developer space for the OrbEEt project. This project aims to introduce an innovative solution to facilitate public and social engagement to action for energy efficiency by providing real-time assessments of the energy impact and energy-related organisational behaviour.
1 Unirse
PBL 3.0: Problem Based Learning
European Research Project on Problem Based Learning. Model-based support for the PBL_LA approach (integrating Learning Analytics and Problem-Based Learning)
1 Unirse
PSS - Business Modelling
Join the 'PSS - Business Modelling Collaborative Platform' developer space to support the development of a collaborative Business Modelling Tool.
2 Unirse
Mostrando o intervalo 1 - 20 de 24 resultados.
de 2