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InterRef Editor - Tree List

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InterRef Editor - Tree List
external coupling scenario attribute documentation attribute type
27/03/14 8:53
Adding Interrefs can be a laborious issue, when the number of models is large and/or the models are complex/consist of many objects.

In order to make the modeler's life easier, we implemented an Interref editor. With this solution, the modeler finds a complete list of referenceable objects by pressing one button only. This clearly arranged list reflects relations between objects; thereby objects are listed hierarchically. Additionally the modeler can use the search function in order to quickly find objects.

Clicking the "Select Objects" button opens the Interref editor. Already referenced objects are marked blue:


The files below contain a description including a step-by-step hands-on guide (ADOxx.org_INTERREF_Editor_Tree_list.pdf), an example library (Sample_InterrefEditor.abl) and an example model (testModels_InterrefEditor.adl):
