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The BPMN 2.0 notation is not fully supported in the tool you provide.

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After downloading your BPMN@ADOxx tool, it seems that the BPMN2.0 notation from the OMG is not fully realised. Is there a reason for this?

RE: The BPMN 2.0 notation is not fully supported in the tool you provide.
22.11.2013 15:49 ako reakcia na Anonym.
Yes, this is correct. The BPMN@ADOxx tool we provide should not demonstrate a correct implementation of BPMN 2.0 and has not the intention to participate the discussion in BPMN 2.0.

The aim of this version is first to demonstrate that you can develop a modelling tool - such as the presented parts of BPMN 2.0 - with the ADOxx platform.
It should give interested users an idea how their modelling tools will look like and what powerful functionality is provided by the ADOxx platform. Therefore we propose to have a look at this concrete sample to get an idea on the behaviour and performance of the resulting modelling tool.

Furthermore the second aim is to motivate you in downloading not only the finalised and packaged tool, but also the sources of the modelling method from the Application Library Code Repository in the Community section to implement your own modelling tool from that starting point.

Hence the aim is to enter the discussion on provided functionality from ADOxx for your modelling tool and to ease the first steps in the development process.

RE: The BPMN 2.0 notation is not fully supported in the tool you provide.
2.12.2013 15:25 ako reakcia na Anonym.
I have imported your sample BPMN to Development toolkit, but how can I access imported model in ADOxx Modelling tool? I am able to acess only default Experimentation library via Modelling tool. How can I change the active library ?

RE: The BPMN 2.0 notation is not fully supported in the tool you provide.
2.12.2013 16:09 ako reakcia na Marek Samec.
Dear Marek,

the steps for importing and using a new application library are as follows:
Step 1: Import the abl file containing the application library as shown in the following video (from your post we assume you have already completed this step)
Step 2: Create a new user for the newly imported application library as shown in this video. In the dialog for creating a new user, select the newly imported library in the drop-down-list "Application Library".

RE: The BPMN 2.0 notation is not fully supported in the tool you provide.
3.12.2013 13:08 ako reakcia na Sabin Popescu.
Thanks for quick reply, it works flawlessly.