Requirement: Mechanisms and Algorithms

Process Similarity Analysis


Process Pattern Mining

Based on this requirement for the pattern mining it should be possible to mine for and identify patterns in business processes of the same domain, e.g. application for move, but created by different public administrations.

If congruities and differences can be mined and common patterns identified 'best practices' models (or at least patterns/process parts) can be created and provided for further use, e.g. by other public administrations as basis for their specific models or in inter-organisational processes (that have no 'owner').




The full scope has yet to be determined

Target System:
ADOxx 1.3UL1

Functional Requirements Specification:
  • Mechanisms for the mining and identification of similar business processes
  • Applications to move these similar business processes, which were created elsewhere by some owner, to a new implementation public administration site. 
  • Determination of 'best practices' on the basis of a conglomeration of similarity analyses and the creation of a new 'ownerless' template for use as a basis for specific business processes at a specific public administration or at an inter-organisational level.
Non-Functional Requirements Specification:


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