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Web Service show WebAPI services on Tomcat server

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Web Service show WebAPI services on Tomcat server
web service adoxx web service
18-4-25 下午4:56
I've been trying to follow the steps described here: https://www.adoxx.org/live/adoxx-web-api-extend in order to setup the ADOxx Web Service in IntelliJ. So far I have managed to fix all the project dependencies and setup the 2 Tomcat Servers. But I can't seem to open the read and write services. 

The tutorial says that the beans in the defined /src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/context.xml file. I have checked it and it seems ok. But when I go to open the service overview in the http://localhost:8180/ADOxxWEBAPI/src/main/webapp/ path, I get and 404 error.

I don't have much experience with SOAP or ReST and I can't exactly figure what's wrong. Any advice to help me get past this will be very appreciated.

附件: Screenshot_3.png (5.9k)