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Extend Queries Notebook
16-4-5 上午11:40

  As a part of my thesis i would like to extend ADOxx (SeMFIS library) to support SPARQL queries.That's why i would like to extend your Queries feature so as the user can select some predefined queries and also be able to compose his own queries in SPARQL. So in my case the button "Evaluate" will run an asc file that will send this query to Virtuoso and it will return the answer.I have already managed to add some attributes and records to a Notebook but i haven't manage to understand how to add more complex concepts (such as dependent on which standardised query the user selects he can choose a specific class or/and an attribute etc.)Could you please help me to understand how you implemented this functionality so as to add afterwards my own? Is there any documentation?

Thank you!

附件: qq.png (82.0k)

RE: Extend Queries Notebook
16-4-11 上午8:37 回复 Katerina Dimitraki。
The 'Queries' window, which is provided by ADOxx platform you mention is hard coded and cannot be edited. But you can embed your queries within an AdoScript (AdoScript Docu) and trigger them via e.g. menu item, event handler, ... (AdoScript Triggers). 
A detailed documentation of the ADOxx Query Language you can find here.

RE: Extend Queries Notebook
16-4-11 下午3:35 回复 Mehmet Albayrak。
Thank you for your answer!

Could i implement with ADOscript a new window like the "Queries" window?

RE: Extend Queries Notebook
16-4-13 上午6:09 回复 Katerina Dimitraki。
There are some dialog boxes that are provided by the ADOxx platform. E.g.:
-) LISTBOX: opens a box where the user can select values of a list of values.  In a LISTBOX, the user can only select one value out of a list, in a MLISTBOX the user can select multiple values of the list.
-) MLISTBOX: opens a box where the user can select multiple values of a list of values.
-) EDITBOX: opens a box where the user can edit text.
-) EDITFIELD: opens a simple edit box with a single line text field.
-) EDIT_BROWSER: will fill a table according to the field informations specified by content and display it within a window (with title title).

These commands are within the messageport "AdoScript" and can be found in the online documentation of AdoScript here.