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Documentation: Attribute Settings for Documentation

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Documentation: Attribute Settings for Documentation
community documentation transformation core transformation adoscript
27.3.2014 12:25
It looks like for documentation settings dialogue, the attributes in the __LibraryMetaData__ class are used (this is not very clear in the official documentation and was discovered through "trial and error"). As an experiment one extra attribute (STRING) was created and displayed (using AttrRep) on the settings dialogue. Let's assume settings dialogue is opened and some value is entered into the text box representing the mentioned attribute, and settings dialogue is closed. Now if this dialogue is opened for the second time, previously entered value is gone from the attribute (this from the text box). This means that for some reason the value is not saved within the attribute. I wonder what might be a problem and any pointers how to solve this would be helpful.

RE: Documentation: Attribute Settings for Documentation
2.4.2013 9:48 ako reakcia na Anonym.
Please use "class attributes" in the mentioned class instead of instance attributes to define these settings dialog in the class mentioned. The settings are then persisted on a per user basis.
Apologies for the lack of documentation here … marked as a TODO and CR for next release.