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Documentation: Header/Footer Information

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Documentation: Header/Footer Information
community documentation transformation core transformation adoscript
27.3.2014 12:25
It would be brilliant to modify how exported WORD file template looks like. Currently headings and other metadata is in German, but we would like to use English. Also it would be nice to modify the contact information on the top of the first page - if any issues users could contact the developers of the tool, not the platform.

RE: Documentation: Header/Footer Information
2.4.2013 9:50 ako reakcia na Anonym.
The information is loaded and hard-coded in the DSL files used for SGML transformation:
RTF Transformation:
std2rtf.dsl INCLUDES std_rtf2.dsl
Line 395 defines the block for CI and other method specific/producer specific details.

Recommendation: start new DSL development with usage of the ado_utl.dsl as a support file and possibly the structure of the generation file (std_rtf2.dsl).