ADOxx Development Language: AttrRep
The class attribute "AttrRep" controls the availability and designs the structure of the ADOxx-Notebook.
The node objects have always a predefined Notebook with the attribute "Name" of the instance contrary to relation instances.
If the AttrRep has no value then the class will have no Notebook.
The following example should give you an introduction how to define a Notebook in the attribute "AttrRep" .
AttrRep Introductional Example
#Every Notebook definition has to start with the command "NOTEBOOK",
#and every Notebook consist at least of one chapter. Which define the pages of the Notebook.
CHAPTER "Chapter I"
#The chapters can also be partitioned in Groups where you can combine several attributes. One can also define a color for the header of the groups (also for chapters and attributes).
GROUP "Group I" color:red
#The attribute with the name "Name" will be shown in the Notebook on this position. Some attribute types also allow different parameters (integer, string, ...) to adapt the actual display.
ATTR "Name"
ATTR "Position"
ATTR "Size"
# End group.
#New group.
GROUP "Group II" color:red
#Mandatory means that attribute values shall be different from the default attribute value. For example, if the default value of a string attribute is empty, mandatory means that a nonempty text has to be specified for that attribute at any object of the related class.
ATTR "Value" mandatory
ATTR "Weather"
ATTR "Type"
ATTR "Garden"
#New chapter.
CHAPTER "Chapter II"
#If a user of the usergroup "ADOxx" opens the Notebook, the subsequent attributes will not be displayed.
SET_ACCESS usergroup:"ADOxx" mode:blocked
ATTR "..."
#New chapter
ATTR "..."
The language for defining the structure of the Notebook is based on the following syntax:
Notebook : NOTEBOOK [ with-relations | move-relations:intValue ]
{ NBElement | SetAccess | Language | ModelType | Mode } .
NBElement : Chapter | NBField | Set | AVal .
Chapter : CHAPTER chapterName [ color:ColorSpec ] .
Group : GROUP groupName [ color:ColorSpec ]
{ Attribute }
NBField : Group | VSpace | Attribute .
VSpace : VSPACE h:intValue .
Attribute : ATTR attrName
[ write-protected ] [ only-rows ] [ format:strValue ]
[ dialog:Dialog ] [ lines:intValue ] [ font-family:FontFamily ]
[ color:ColorSpec ] [ ctrltype:ControlType ]
[ unchecked-value:strValue ] [ checked-value:strValue ]
[ no-auto ] [ no-param ] [ push-button ]
[ formula-visible ] [ align:Alignment ]
[ enabled:boolExpr ] [ mandatory:boolValue ]
[ notitle ] [ width:realValue ] [ h:measureValue ]
[ readonly:boolExpr ]
FontFamily : decorative | modern | roman | script | swiss | system .
Dialog : time | date | datetime | distribution | actor | subprocess |
person-calendar | processstart-calendar | resource |
color | transcond | acfilter | wizard | attachment .
ControlType : radio | dropdown | check | graphrep | attachment .
Set : SET var :expression
AVal : AVAL { AvalAssignment } .
AValAssignment : [ set-format:strValue ] [ set-sep:strValue ]
[ as-original-type ] [ set-count-rows ]
var :attrName .
SetAccess : SET_ACCESS usergroup:UserGroupSpec mode:AccessMode .
UserGroupSpec : [ opt: ]userGroupName | all .
AccessMode : blocked | protected | full .
Alignment : l | c | r .
Language : LANG langSpec .
LangSpec : langName | all .
ModelType : MODELTYPE ModelTypeSpec .
ModelTypeSpec : modelTypeName | modelTypeNameArray | all .
Mode : MODE ModeSpec .
ModeSpec : modeName | modeNameArray | all .