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ADOxx Packaging Procedure ​

This section describes how you can package your own ADOxx-based standalone modelling tool, for the operating systems Windows, Mac and Linux.

With packaging we refer to the procedure of creating the installation files for your modelling tool, for users to download and install directly on their devices. Therefore, you have to create an ADOxx modelling library, follow this procedure and then you are ready to distribute the tool to your users.

You can also use the OMiLAB infrastructure to publish your modelling tool for free on the community webpage:

Prerequisites ​

  • You have implemented your modelling tool with ADOxx 1.8 and already have the ADOxx library file (.abl)
  • [optional] If you want to include example models in your modelling tool package you have to create these models with ADOxx 1.8 and export them as .adl files
  • You have Git and Visual Studio Code installed on your laptop/PC.
  • Give your tool a name and create a logo:
    • logo in .icns, .ico and .png format
    • splash screen picture in .bmp format

To really make the modelling tool your own, you should give it a name and create a corresponding logo and splash screen. The logo is shown for example in the task bar, short cuts or in the upper left corner of the modelling tool interface. The splash screen appears during the start of the modelling tool.

The logo must be provided in three formats:

  • .ico file for Windows. * The .ico file MUST NOT use compression for any of its individual icons.
  • .png file for Linux.
  • .icns file for macOS.

The splash screen must be in .bmp format and size of 464 x 332 pixels. Tip: If you create the splash screen with Gimp, select the R8 G8 B8 option in the Advanced Options during the export.

Next Steps ​

The next steps of the packaging procedure can be found in the following pages: