Table of Contents



The class attribute "AttrRep" controls the availability and structure of the ADOxx-Notebook. If it has no value then the class will have no Notebook.

The following elements are available to define the Notebook:

  • Chapter: Each Notebook must have at least one chapter to show some attributes. Chapters of a Notebook are shown as tabs on the right side.
  • Attributes: Attributes are embedded in a chapter where they should be shown. The distribution and sequence of the attributes is also defined in the AttrRep.
  • Groups: Attributes can be combined to groups inside of a chapter.




The Notebook-Definition must start with this command to be valid. It has no parameters.

CHAPTER "chapterName"

Chapters can be started with this command. The chapter will have the name (Hint: A command ENDCHAPTER is not necessary)


The attribute with the name will be shown in the notebook on this position. Some attribute types also allow different parameters to adapt the actual display.

GROUP "groupName" / ENDGROUP

The attributes listed between GROUP and ENDGROUP will be enclosed by a group-box with the name

SET_ACCESS usergroup: userGroupSpec

Attributes following this command will only be shown to the user group . This restriction can be revoked using „SET_ACCESS usergroup: all"

AttrRep Description

Classattribute "AttrRep" is of type long string, hence the text entered as value is interpreted as configuration script of the so-called NOTEBOOK.

Each NOTEBOOK has CHAPTERS, which contains a list of attributes that may be grouped.

Relations that are allowed for this class can be automatically created as an own chapter.

Appearance of attributes is defined by lines, dialog, control types (ctrltype), width or format.

Access rights per attribute can be defined.


AttrRep Syntax Reference

Notebook :

NOTEBOOK [ with-relations | move-relations:intValue ]
{NBElement | SetAccess | Language | ModelType | Mode }

NBElement : Chapter | NBField | Set | AVal
Chapter : CHAPTER chapterName [ color:ColorSpec ]
Group : GROUP groupName [ color:ColorSpec ] { Attribute } ENDGROUP
NBField : Group | VSpace | Attribute
VSpace : VSPACE h:intValue
Attribute : ATTR attrName [ write-protected ] [ only-rows ] [ format:strValue ] [ dialog:Dialog ] [ lines:intValue ] [ font-family:FontFamily ] [ color:ColorSpec ] [ ctrltype:ControlType ] [
    unchecked-value:strValue ] [ checked-value:strValue ] [ no-auto ] [ no-param ] [ push-button ] [ formula-visible ] [align:Alignment] [ enabled:boolExpr ] [ mandatory:boolValue ] [ notitle ] [ width:realValue ] [ h:measureValue ]
FontFamily : decorative | modern | roman | script | swiss | system
Dialog : time | date | datetime | distribution | actor | subprocess | person-calendar | processstart-calendar | resource | color | transcond | acfilter | wizard | attachment
ControlType : radio | dropdown | check | graphrep | attachment
Set : SET var:expression
AVal : AVAL { AvalAssignment }
AValAssignment : [ set-format:strValue ] [ set-sep:strValue ] [ as-original-type ] [ set-count-rows ] var:attrName
SetAccess : SET_ACCESS usergroup:UserGroupSpec mode:AccessMode
UserGroupSpec : userGroupName | all
AccessMode : blocked | protected | full
Alignment : l | c | r
Language : LANG langSpec
LangSpec : langName | all
ModelType : MODELTYPE ModelTypeSpec
ModelTypeSpec : modelTypeName | modelTypeNameArray | all
Mode : MODE ModeSpec
ModeSpec : modeName | modeNameArray | all


Example for a AttrRep Definition in ALL - Programming Style

VALUE "NOTEBOOK with-relations
CHAPTER \"Description\"
ATTR \"Name\"
ATTR \"Presentation\"
ATTR \"Description\" lines:5
ATTR \"Comment\" lines:5
ATTR \"Color\" dialog:color
FACET <MultiLineString>
FACET <AttributeHelpText>
FACET <AttributeRegularExpression>


    Attributename: "AttrRep" is a special attribute which defines what other attributes are processed by the ADOxx documentation function

Type definition

Value: The string of the "AttrRep" attributes is
    defined as a "Notebook". Therefore a specific syntax is used.

A help text can be provided for the


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